Apache Flex 4.11 Released!

October 28th, 2013 105 comments

Apache Flex 4.11 Released!

The Apache Flex project, the all-volunteer group of developers, and stakeholders in the development framework, today announced the release of Apache Flex 4.11.0. This release makes some important improvements over previous versions of Apache Flex and Adobe Flex including new and improved components and performance enhancements.

What’s new in Apache Flex v4.11.0?

The Apache Flex 4.11.0 SDK allows application developers to build expressive web and mobile applications using MXML for layout and ActionScript 3, an ECMAScript based language for client-side scripting.

The Apache Flex 4.11.0 release contains many improvements that professional software development teams will appreciate. This advances the framework forward. It is truly one of the best cross-platform programming languages used to write applications that are testable and can be compiled to run on multiple technology platforms from a single set of code.

Apache Flex 4.11.0 highlights include:

Support Flash Player 11.9.

Support for AIR 3.9.

120 and 640 dpi mobile resolution/skin support, fixes to 480dpi skins.

mx:AdvancedDataGrid and mx:DataGrid speed improvements.

Added column sort type access to the datagrid columns in mx:Datagrid, s:Datagrid, and mx:AdvancedDataGrid.

Able to easily change mx:AdvancedDataGrid row and column item renderer spanning.

s:DataGridEditor will now be visible in ASDocs and be visible in the Tag inspector.

Minor changes to make SDK compile with Falcon compiler.

Added access to imageDecodingPolicy in BitmapImage.

Changed UIComponent removedFromStageHandler from private to protected to allow override

New experimental mobile spark datagrid.

Updated OSMF swc to latest version (2.0)

Renamed experimental supportClazzes package to be supportClasses.

Mobile Callout moved to spark and can be used in Desktop and Browser apps.

Support for [Experimental] metadata tag.

Over 50 bugs/issues were closed with this release

Apache Flex is available in source form from the following download page:

If you are a developer that wishes to use the Apache Flex SDK in your projects, it is recommended you install Apache Flex by using the Apache Flex IDE installer:

When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the downloads using signatures or MD5 hashes.

For more information on Apache Flex, visit the project home page:

Categories: General Tags:

Apache Flex 4.10.0 Released

August 12th, 2013 265 comments

Headed by a group of volunteers, the Apache Flex Project announced their latest version of the Flash-based Flex framework, formerly created by Macromedia and Adobe before being accepted into Apache’s open-source incubation program.

Taken from the Apache Flex offical blog, Apache Flex 4.10.0 highlights include:

  • Support for latest versions of Flash Player and AIR runtimes. At the same time, we have made it easier for developers wanting to take advantage of the latest advances in the Flash runtimes by letting them choose the versions during installation. The Apache Flex SDK Installer now allows developers to select various combinations of the Flex SDK, Flash Player and AIR runtimes. All the settings and configurations are taken care of during the installation, so the developer can just start coding!
  • Improved support for older Flash Player versions. Enterprise environments have more stringent requirement in terms of upgrading Flash Player versions. Now, because of our improved backwards compatibility, those customers can safely upgrade to the latest version of the Flex SDK without having to force a Flash Player upgrade on their end users.
  • Added over 15 new Spark components matching or replacing their mx counterparts. The new components ensure that SDK users can benefit from the advances made in the Spark architecture throughout more of the development process.
  • “Out of the box” support for Advanced Telemetry allowing developers to easily profile their application and improve performance using Adobe Scout.
  • Better localization for multiple languages. Flex 4.10.0 is better now when trying to make application for multiple countries and languages.
  • Better international support for dates in formatters, validators, and the DateField and DateChooser components.
  • Better for developer productivity – less Run Time Errors (RTEs) and workarounds required in 4.10.0
  • 480 dpi mobile resolution/skin support means that Flex SDK users can now target high resolution devices such as iOS Retina, etc.

You can download Apache Flex here:

Congratulations to the entire team for pushing Apache Flex to yet another version. We can’t wait to see what’s ahead.

Categories: Adobe Flex, Apache Flex Tags:

If Carpenters Were Interviewed Like Programmers

April 18th, 2013 34 comments

Interviewer: So, you’re a carpenter, are you?

Carpenter: That’s right, that’s what I do.

Interviewer: How long have you been doing it?

Carpenter: Ten years.

Interviewer: Great, that’s good. Now, I have a few technical questions to ask you to see if you’re a fit for our team. OK?

Carpenter: Sure, that’d be fine.

Interviewer: First of all, we’re working in a subdivision building a lot of brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses before?

Carpenter: Well, I’m a carpenter, so I build houses, and people pretty much paint them the way they want.

Interviewer: Yes, I understand that, but can you give me an idea of how much experience you have with brown? Roughly.

Carpenter: Gosh, I really don’t know. Once they’re built I don’t care what color they get painted. Maybe six months?

Interviewer: Six months? Well, we were looking for someone with a lot more brown experience, but let me ask you some more questions.

Carpenter: Well, OK, but paint is paint, you know.

Interviewer: Yes, well. What about walnut?

Carpenter: What about it?

Interviewer: Have you worked much with walnut?

Carpenter: Sure, walnut, pine, oak, mahogany — you name it.

Interviewer: But how many years of walnut do you have?

Carpenter: Gosh, I really don’t know — was I supposed to be counting the walnut?

Interviewer: Well, estimate for me.

Carpenter: OK, I’d say I have a year and a half of walnut.

Interviewer: Would you say you’re an entry level walnut guy or a walnut guru?

Carpenter: A walnut guru? What’s a walnut guru? Sure, I’ve used walnut.

Interviewer: But you’re not a walnut guru?

Carpenter: Well, I’m a carpenter, so I’ve worked with all kinds of wood, you know, and there are some differences, but I think if you’re a good carpenter …

Interviewer: Yes, yes, but we’re using Walnut, is that OK?

Carpenter: Walnut is fine! Whatever you want. I’m a carpenter.

Interviewer: What about black walnut?

Carpenter: What about it?

Interviewer: Well we’ve had some walnut carpenters in here, but come to find out they weren’t black walnut carpenters. Do you have black walnut experience?

Carpenter: Sure, a little. It’d be good to have more for my resume, I suppose.

Interviewer: OK. Hang on let me check off the box…

Carpenter: Go right ahead.

Interviewer: OK, one more thing for today. We’re using Rock 5.1 to bang nails with. Have you used Rock 5.1?

Carpenter: [Turning white…] Well, I know a lot of carpenters are starting to use rocks to bang nails with since Craftsman bought a quarry, but you know, to be honest I’ve had more luck with my nail gun Or a hammer, for that matter. I find I hit my fingers too much with the rock, and my other hand hurts because the rock is so big.

Interviewer: But other companies are using rocks. Are you saying rocks don’t work?

Carpenter: No, I’m not saying rocks don’t work, exactly, it’s just that I think nail guns work better.

Interviewer: Well, our architects have all started using rocks, and they like it.

Carpenter: Well, sure they do, but I bang nails all day, and — well, look, I need the work, so I’m definitely willing to use rocks if you want. I try to keep an open mind.

Interviewer: OK, well we have a few other candidates we’re looking at, so we’ll let you know.

Carpenter: Well, thanks for your time. I enjoyed meeting you.



Interviewer: Hello?

Carpenter: Hello. Remember me, I’m the carpenter you interviewed for the black walnut job. Just wanted to touch base to see if you’ve made a decision.

Interviewer: Actually, we have. We liked your experience overall, but we decided to go with someone who has done a lot of work with brown.

Carpenter: Really, is that it? So I lost the job because I didn’t have enough brown?

Interviewer: Well, it was partly that, but partly we got the other fellow a lot cheaper.

Carpenter: Really — how much experience does he have?

Interviewer: Well, he’s not really a carpenter, he’s a car salesman — but he’s sold a lot of brown cars and he’s worked with walnut interiors.

Carpenter: [click]

Categories: General Tags:

Apache Flex now has a REAL website

February 11th, 2013 92 comments

The original Apache Flex page was dull and boring.

They’ve recently added a lot more pizzazz and sparkle…very nice!

Check it out!


Categories: General Tags:

First Version of Apache Flex Released

July 24th, 2012 149 comments

Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.

On the 31th of December, 2011, the Apache Software Foundation has accepted the Flex SDK into incubation. Apache Flex is now a community project managed by Apache (ASF).

The Apache Flex team is pleased to offer this ‘parity’ release, available as of 7/19/2012. This is the first available Flex SDK under the Apache Licensing model, and is designed to be compatible with the Adobe Flex SDK version 4.6.0.

Download the latest SDK here:

Categories: General Tags:

Flex Mobile Social Networking App “Xuland” is LIVE in Android Market!

January 19th, 2012 14 comments

A couple of years ago I started working on a Flex 4 powered social networking application called Xuland.

It was a web-based app that had the look and feel of Facebook with geo-location abilities (based on IP). Essentially, you could change the on-screen map to any location in the world (or it would discover your current location) and you could read or post comments to that area. It was a nice idea…but ultimately didn’t work.

During creation, Apple and Adobe had their infamous falling out and the world moved to a mobile stage. Now Flash on mobile has been deprecated by Adobe and Flex itself has been accepted into Apache’s incubation process. It seems that the days of considering Flex for general public consumption as a web-based application were gone.

I opted to pick up the pieces of Xuland and re-assemble them into an AIR-powered mobile application with a different objective: find a way to make it easier for folks to make friends.

Facebook and Twitter are great vehicles for announcing your current status to your family, friends, fans or followers. But they do little to strike new connections between people.

Xuland attempts to place more importance on a person’s profile. It is through the profile that you can find common similarities in passions, occupations, religion and so forth. Xuland allows you to ask anonymous questions, request that folks “guess” your age or other personal attributes. Xuland tries to ease the connection-making process to allow new friendships to strike without odd winks, pokes, virtual gifts or other gimmicks.

Using Flex 4.6′s mobile enhancements and Adobe AIR, I adapted the previous web-based application to a mobile-based friending app that is now live on the Android Market:



The iOS version (using the same code-based) has been submitted to Apple and is currently waiting review. I had to fabricate some test data and accounts to ease the review process and will remove those soon.

Any feedback on the app in general, the concept, appearance or performance is appreciated of course. I rely on the Flex community and have done so for years. Recommendations or questions are welcome!

I’ll post another article once the iOS version has made its way to the Apple App Store. Until then, happy Xulanding!

Apache Flex: First Blog Post

January 18th, 2012 65 comments

The new Apache Flex blog has submitted its first post:


“This is the beginning of a new era for Flex. On December 31st 2011, our project was accepted as an incubator podling at the Apache Software Foundation.”

The post also mentions the Apache Flex logo contest which concluded yesterday. Here is a link to all of the submissions so far, which many of them look outstanding: http://incubator.apache.org/flex/logo-contest.html

Good luck to any of you who entered the contest. I can’t wait to see which one was chosen!

Categories: Adobe Flex Tags:

Apache Flex needs a new logo!

January 12th, 2012 31 comments

“On the 31th of December, 2011, the Apache Software Foundation has accepted the Flex SDK into incubation. Apache Flex is now a community project managed by Apache (ASF). The migration from Adobe to Apache involves a re-branding and you can contribute by proposing the new Apache Flex logo.”

Submit your new Apache Flex logo here:

Categories: Adobe Flex Tags:

Adobe Flash, Part II – “The Resurrection”

November 10th, 2011 38 comments

I’m sure most have heard about the latest announcments happening in the blog-o-sphere and from Adobe:


For many of us, we’re not surprised, although many were. The Flash plugin on mobile browsers has always been an up-hill battle. With Apple and Microsoft’s decision not to support the Flash mobile plugin, the sheer number of emerging mobile devices (with browsers) to support and the wide adoption of HTML5 for mobile browsing animations and effects – it seems this is a timely decision. It would have been nice to continue to see support, but times change. How this will affect the Flash plugin on desktop browsers remains to be seen.

The fast rise and popularity of Adobe AIR has give Flash a new life. AIR is now supported on the PC, Mac, Android, iPad/iPhone, BlackBerry, Amazon’s Kindle Fire, B&N’s NOOK, and Sony mobile devices – amongst others. Platforms that we’d never thought would support Flash now do (like televisions, cars and even alarm clocks)…with more devices to come. It’s the best option there is for deploying games or applications from one single code source to multiple platforms.

This is a step in the evolution of Flash towards amazing GPU-based 3D gaming (which we saw at Max from the Angry Birds and Unreal makers) and Enterprise-level dashboards and RIA’s and away from annoying banner ads. Although Flash “on mobile” is officially dead, Flash in essence will have been resurrected through Adobe AIR.

I’m anxious to see what Flash 12 brings us as it will help bridge the gap between HTML5 and Flash.

Flash Player 11.1 and AIR 3.1 were just released today: http://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2011/11/adobe-flash-player-11-1-and-adobe-air-3-1-are-now-available.html

Other interesting articles:

Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, General Tags:

Adobe MAX 2011 “Sneak Peek” Sessions Now Online in HD!

October 17th, 2011 35 comments

At the end of the second day of sessions at the Adobe MAX 2011 conference in Los Angeles, Adobe holds their annual Awards and Sneak Peeks gathering inside the huge Nokia Theater. This year Rainn Wilson from NBC’s “The Office” emceed the awards and afterward sat on-stage in a make-shift office complete with desks and leather (or vinyl) chairs alongside Greg Demichillie (Senior Director of Product Management, Developer Tools at Adobe Systems).

The entire show was fantastic. Rainn was on-point and delivered witty one-liners throughout like a veteran comic. But I have to say he was quieted down considerably once Greg, with the help of Adobe’s own engineers, showcased new features that may (or may not) get released in future versions of their products.

As far as I’m aware, for the first time ever Adobe has offered these “sneak peek” videos online for free in full HD:


They’re all amazing, but as far as I’m concerned the real show-stopper was an image “deblurring” feature that Adobe has been working on in collaboration with engineers from MIT:

You truly have to see it to believe it.

Adobe also offers 160+ hours of free training online from most of the sessions offered at Adobe MAX this year. If you weren’t able to find a way to go to the conference, this is the next best thing:


The full press-release:
Adobe Systems Incorporated today posted videos of the technology “sneak peeks” that were showcased recently at the company’s annual MAX user conference in Los Angeles. Included in the videos is the image deblurring technology, demonstrated in an on-stage demo by Adobe senior research scientist Jue Wang, which has become an Internet sensation.

“We sneaked some early-stage technology from our labs during the recent Adobe MAX conference that exemplify the kind of technology innovation that is thriving across Adobe,” said Kevin Lynch, chief technology officer, Adobe. “Adobe’s technology leadership is ensuring that designers and developers have the tools they need to help shape the future of digital media.”

The sneaks are intended to give MAX attendees a look at future technologies. These technologies may, or may not, make it into future versions of Adobe products. The demos are currently being hosted on AdobeTV, and include:

– Image Deblurring — removing blurriness from digital photos caused by camera shake while the pictures were being taken;

– Local Layer Ordering — a new way for graphic designers to create layered compositions that better reflect the way real world objects act;

– InDesign Liquid Layout — using InDesign to create high quality magazines that automatically adapt layouts across devices and screen orientation;

– Near Field Communications in Adobe AIR — using Adobe AIR to create applications that communicate with the physical world;

– Automatic Synchronization of Crowd Sourced Videos — synchronizing video clips taken with different cameras and from different vantage points into a single immersive video;

– Reverse Debugging in Flash Builder — the ability to step backwards in time while debugging a Flash application to better find the root cause of bugs;

– RubbaDub — automatically replacing the dialog of a video clip with separately recorded audio with perfect synchronization;

– Pixel Nuggets — searching through a large library of images by identifying images that contain the same people, backgrounds, landmarks, etc.;

– Monocle — a new visual tool to help developers find and fix performance problems in Flash applications;

– Video Meshes — an entirely new way to edit videos, including the ability to create 3D fly-throughs of 2D videos and change focus and depth of field;

– GPU Parallelism — using a device’s graphic processing unit (GPU) to accelerate performance of general purpose computing.

About Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit www.adobe.com .

(C) 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and the Adobe logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

SOURCE: Adobe Systems Incorporated

Flex: Chevron (or Right-Arrow) Path Data for Mobile Apps

October 14th, 2011 22 comments

I’m sure this will come in handy for anyone out there looking for the iOS chevron to duplicate in their Flex 4.5+ mobile AIR apps ;)

This is what I’ll be using in my social-friending app Xuland…feel free to copy and modify to your taste…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
	<s:Path verticalCenter="0"
			M 2 0 L 7 5 L 2 10 L 0 9 L 4 5 L 0 1 z
			<s:SolidColor color="#666666" />

Here’s an example…ignore the test messages ;)

Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, Xuland Tags:

Flex: Capturing long-touch events on Android & iOS mobile devices

September 18th, 2011 16 comments

In building the mobile dating app Xuland, one of its key features will be the ability to add many profile photos. Your admirers can tap each photo from a list, see the larger version and vote on whether they like it or not.

The thing is, because buttons are typically over-sized on mobile devices to make them fat-finger friendly, it leave little room on the screen for many of them. You could utilize the off-screen menu option on Android but iOS devices lack this seemingly basic feature. Instead you could design your app to have contextual popup menus appear when holding or pressing down on an icon, button or other object on the screen.

Unfortunately, the current version of Flex (4.5) doesn’t support a long-touch or long-click event from what I can see, but it was easy enough to simulate one using a timer:

private var timer:Timer;
private var confirmPopup:ConfirmPopup;
private function onTouchBegin():void
	timer=new Timer( 1000 );
	timer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimerComplete );
private function onTimerComplete( event:TimerEvent ):void
	confirmPopup=ConfirmPopup.open( "delete photo?" );
	confirmPopup.addEventListener( ConfirmPopup.CONFIRMED, onDeletePhotoConfirmed );
private function onDeletePhotoConfirmed( event:Event ):void
	//put additional photo deletion logic here
public function onTouchEnd():void
	timer.removeEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimerComplete );

And the MXML…

<s:Image id="image"
	source="{ xyzSource }"
	mouseUp="onTouchEnd()" />

Essentially what happens here is that once the user touches a photo, the timer activates and starts ticking. If the user at any time during the timeout period takes his finger off the photo, the timer is stopped, otherwise when the timer reaches is preset delay, it opens a confirmation popup prompting the user to take some action.

Here’s the results:

Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Xuland Tags:

The best selling iPad app on the App Store was created with Adobe Flash

September 10th, 2011 367 comments

Kudos to the Amanita Design team for pushing all the other paid iPad apps out of the way with a little help from Adobe AIR ;)


According to Lee Brimelow:
“Few in the technology press have picked up on and correctly reported about this workflow that allows Flash developers to target Apple’s popular iOS devices.

Most people still only think of Flash as the browser plug-in that Apple doesn’t allow in Safari on iOS devices. But being able to create apps and games for iOS is a huge win for Flash developers, for Adobe, and for Apple.”


Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, General Tags:

Adobe shuts down AIR Marketplace and InMarket

July 25th, 2011 24 comments

Adobe has decided to close the doors of both InMarket and the Adobe AIR Marketplace.

“After reviewing our efforts and based on feedback from developers, we have decided that we will deliver the most value by helping developers author and publish their apps on multiple platforms. Given this focus, we have decided to discontinue development and support of Adobe InMarket. We are going to continue to provide support for publishing to different app stores through our tooling. The recent Flash Builder 4.5 and Flash Professional CS5.5 provide support for publishing to multiple mobile platforms including Android and Apple iOS devices.”

According to ReadWriteWeb:

“Developers have until August 31st to download their app analytics, revenue reports and other data, and update any widgets or links to their app’s webpage. Developers who published to AppUp will receive an email from Intel over the next few days with more details about direct publishing.”

Unfortunately, I have noticed at least one site claim this to be “another win for Apple” (undoubtedly from a fanboy). I’m not sure I understand how much Apple has to gain over this decision or whether they were aware such a marketplace ever existed.

This sounds more like Adobe is giving the nod to the more popular app-stores that have already defined their place in the world of commerce, namely the Apple App Store, Android Market, BlackBerry App World, Intel AppUp center, Samsung Apps, and Toshiba App Place.

Categories: General Tags:

Adobe Feeds now has it’s own mobile app!

July 20th, 2011 112 comments

This was a two-day project that I started mostly as a way to learn the process of deploying an Adobe AIR app written in Flex 4.5 to Android and iOS devices.

This app is now available on the Android Market, with iOS and Blackberry versions coming soon.


Adobe Feeds
in the Android Market

The process of creating the app was generally very easy. I’ll post the source-code here in a separate article that details my experiences later but I just wanted to get a quick little announcement out there for anyone that has ever wanted to view Adobe Feeds in their mobile device through an app rather than the browser ;)

I *would* have the iOS version in the Apple App Store, however I need to upload the app via Mac OS X (which I don’t have)…not surprisingly enough :(

Once I figure out how to install an emulator on my PC and actually upload the app to Apple for approval, I’ll post the link to that as well.

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions for the app. Enjoy!

Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flex, General, Websites Tags:

FINALLY, Flash Maps for both iOS & Android for Flex & AIR Mobile Projects

July 18th, 2011 51 comments

After recently diving into Flex 4.5.1 and starting several mobile AIR-based projects, I ran into an issue with the Google Maps SDK when testing under iOS devices.

Long story short, it didn’t work.

The Google Maps Flash API works great under Android when the mobile project is deployed as an AIR-based application, but when compiled through the PFI (Packager for iPhone) bundled into AIR 2.7 it simply doesn’t ever load.

After a little investigation, the most likely cause was the fact that the Google Maps Flex API attempts to load external SWF’s at runtime from the Google map servers, which is strictly forbidden by Apple’s terms of service thus rendering this functionality completely disabled.

This functionality works fine under Android devices and was actually a pleasure to use, however without iOS, the joy of working with Adobe’s new Flex 4.5.1 SDK quickly subsides and is replaced by frustration.

There are workarounds for iOS, namely through the usage of the JavaScript-based Google Maps SDK and Flex 4.5′s own StageWebView class which can display external HTML content over the Flash content.

Unfortunately, Flex cannot interact with StageWebView content making it very difficult for some apps to function normally as they would in a normal Flash-based SWF rendered through the browser. My own application, Xuland, which depends heavily on the Google Maps SDK required many changes before I could test it’s mobile-version on my iPad.

I can get by with StageWebView, but I prefer a Map object that Flex can interact with directly, apply markers, dynamically zoom or geolocate, etc without having to re-load a URL from my external web-server.

Just today, MapQuest has released a Flex-version of it’s Flash Maps API which supposedly works well under both iOS and Android. I haven’t tested this but I will later tonight for sure ;)

For everyone else, here’s a link to MapQuest’s Developer Reference page and API:

MapQuest Developer Network:

MapQuest Flash Map Mobile API:

Follow me on Twitter for more Adobe Flex & AIR Mobile news and announcements.

Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, Xuland Tags:

Self-portrait (Android-Style)

July 17th, 2011 28 comments
Categories: General Tags:

List of Adobe Flex & AIR Mobile Apps for iOS, Android (Updated)

July 15th, 2011 69 comments

Here’s a long list of Android, iOS and Blackberry apps created using AIR for mobile that originates from a smaller list at http://swfhead.com/blog/?p=1416. This serves as an awesome example of the work and dedication made by Adobe engineers and Flash/Flex developers around the world that wish for a simpler way to develop and publish apps across multiple devices using the same codebase.

I’m hoping to add my own AIR app for Xuland once I’m finished with it. It’s coming along but I ran into a bit of a snag with the Google Maps SWC under iOS. I’ve overcome that and will post a separate article on that later ;)

Follow me on Twitter for more updates: http://www.twitter.com/erichcervantez

Congratulations to all those that have worked so hard to create the following apps:

Gravity Lander


Zombies Hate Pumpkins

Adobe Feeds Mobile
• Resource: Blog post right here on eonflex! ;)

Red Bull Illume:
• Resource: Lee Brimelow’s blog

UFO Pew Pew:

Boing Boing Santa (by Terry Paton):


RIDGID Digital Bubble Level

BeFunky Photo Editor PRO

Kids Numbers HD:

Trip to Aztec Temple:

Adobe Connect Mobile:

Flipit (by Terry Paton):

Physics Ball:

Kellogg Garden Products:

Moai FLV Player:

• Resource: Flex Developer Center Samples
• Resource: AdobeTV


Meteor Storm (by Terry Paton):

Tweet Hunt

Digitas Cache:
On iPad

Dr Stanley’s House II:

Lapse It

Rossignol Experience:


Comb Over Charlie:

Apolline & Leon:

Queue Manager:

Twisted Whiskers, Twisted Time Wasters:

Mr MixIt:


Optimistic Weather

Dillo Hills:

MazeBall (by Terry Paton):

Treasure Caves 2 (by Terry Paton):

Stealth Sub:



Digitas Trends:

Bear Bounce:

Fotagraft Galleries:

World Without Photoshop

BreakIt4 (by Terry Paton):

43 Words

Letter Star

Sissy’s Magical Ponycorn Adventure


Solar Defense

Solar Defense Lite

Foodoo Hit


Solitare2 (by Terry Paton):

PuzzPix (by Terry Paton):

Action Chinese Chess

Letter Practise



ScratchMaster Pro


Categories: General Tags:

FlashBuilder 4.5.1 Released!

June 20th, 2011 59 comments

The long awaited update to FlashBuilder and the Flex SDK were released by Adobe last night.

Previously with FlashBuilder and Flex 4.5.0, you could export Flex applications to Android devices and ActionScript-based projects to iOS. Now with the 4.5.1 update, you can export all apps to any of the platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android & the new BlackBerry Playbook.

This is a gigantic leap forward to allow developers to implement the “write-once, run-anywhere” ideology that has long been associated with the Flash platform. With Apple’s insistence on preventing Flash from being installed on iOS devices, Adobe has had to invent ways to circumvent those restrictions even going so far as creating a Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool (“Wallaby”).

With FlashBuilder 4.5.1, you can write easy-to-learn Flex XML combined with the power of ActionScript to product apps that can be approved into the Apple app-store, BlackBerry’s AppWorld and Android’s App Market.

Click here to download the updaters

Adobe says that with Flash Builder and Flex 4.5, developers can now use one tool, one framework and one codebase to create applications that run on desktops as well as smartphones and tablets.

Ed Rowe, Adobe’s VP of Developer Tooling said, “The reaction from developers to the new mobile capabilities in Flash Builder 4.5 and the Flex 4.5 framework has been absolutely fantastic. They are amazed by how easy it is to create great mobile apps for Android devices, BlackBerry PlayBook, iPhone and iPad. Companies can now effectively reach their customers no matter what type of device they have.”


Congrats Adobe on another victory!

** Technical note: The release notes for FlashBuilder 4.5.1 indicate it’s bundled with AIR 2.6, even though AIR 2.7 was just released. In fact, the iOS packager was updated to AIR 2.7 so even though you only have access to the AIR 2.6 API, your compiled iOS application will gain the performance features added to 2.7. According to Lee Brimelow, “It has to do with different release schedules of various teams. That thought is that it’s better to get it out there now so people can start developing with it rather than making everyone wait longer.”


Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex Tags:

AIR 2.7 is now available!

June 14th, 2011 703 comments

Although I am more interested in the Flash Builder 4.5 update that will allow me to export my Flex-powered mobile applications to iOS, we have to take babysteps.

First up, Adobe AIR 2.7 must be released into the wild, which it has today!

The most notable improvement is the dramatic increase in performance of Flex applications on iOS devices (4x faster in CPU mode). If anyone has seen Terry Paton’s Flash-based Meteor Storm (http://pixelpaton.com/?p=3475) running on an iPad, you were probably wondering how it played so well. Terry was given premature access to AIR 2.7. Without it, the game’s performance would have suffered immeasurably.

Meteor Storm running on iOS from Terry Paton on Vimeo.

For a quick video example, watch my former employer Renaun Erickson, Adobe Flash Platform Evangelist, show you an example of the speed improvements:

“Adobe is pleased to announce the availability of Adobe AIR 2.7 SDK and the Adobe AIR 2.7 runtimes. Adobe AIR 2.7 includes new features for both desktop and mobile applications with mobile support for Android 2.2+, BlackBerry Tablet OS* and iOS 4+ operating systems. Companies can build and deploy AIR 2.7 apps using Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 with an upcoming update to AIR 2.7 later this month.”


Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex Tags: