Home > Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, General > The best selling iPad app on the App Store was created with Adobe Flash

The best selling iPad app on the App Store was created with Adobe Flash

Kudos to the Amanita Design team for pushing all the other paid iPad apps out of the way with a little help from Adobe AIR ;)


According to Lee Brimelow:
“Few in the technology press have picked up on and correctly reported about this workflow that allows Flash developers to target Apple’s popular iOS devices.

Most people still only think of Flash as the browser plug-in that Apple doesn’t allow in Safari on iOS devices. But being able to create apps and games for iOS is a huge win for Flash developers, for Adobe, and for Apple.”


Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, General Tags:
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1 9 10 755
  1. August 24th, 2014 at 17:18 | #1
  2. September 1st, 2014 at 21:09 | #2
  3. October 7th, 2014 at 19:34 | #3
  4. October 7th, 2014 at 20:11 | #4
  5. October 7th, 2014 at 21:57 | #5
  6. October 18th, 2014 at 23:23 | #6
  7. November 1st, 2014 at 21:40 | #7