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Adobe Flash, Part II – “The Resurrection”

I’m sure most have heard about the latest announcments happening in the blog-o-sphere and from Adobe:


For many of us, we’re not surprised, although many were. The Flash plugin on mobile browsers has always been an up-hill battle. With Apple and Microsoft’s decision not to support the Flash mobile plugin, the sheer number of emerging mobile devices (with browsers) to support and the wide adoption of HTML5 for mobile browsing animations and effects – it seems this is a timely decision. It would have been nice to continue to see support, but times change. How this will affect the Flash plugin on desktop browsers remains to be seen.

The fast rise and popularity of Adobe AIR has give Flash a new life. AIR is now supported on the PC, Mac, Android, iPad/iPhone, BlackBerry, Amazon’s Kindle Fire, B&N’s NOOK, and Sony mobile devices – amongst others. Platforms that we’d never thought would support Flash now do (like televisions, cars and even alarm clocks)…with more devices to come. It’s the best option there is for deploying games or applications from one single code source to multiple platforms.

This is a step in the evolution of Flash towards amazing GPU-based 3D gaming (which we saw at Max from the Angry Birds and Unreal makers) and Enterprise-level dashboards and RIA’s and away from annoying banner ads. Although Flash “on mobile” is officially dead, Flash in essence will have been resurrected through Adobe AIR.

I’m anxious to see what Flash 12 brings us as it will help bridge the gap between HTML5 and Flash.

Flash Player 11.1 and AIR 3.1 were just released today: http://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2011/11/adobe-flash-player-11-1-and-adobe-air-3-1-are-now-available.html

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Categories: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, General Tags:
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